No more homework!
In a world where artificial intelligence like ChatGPT is becoming increasingly important, teachers face a new challenge: How can they ensure that students actually learn and don’t just copy answers? Is the traditional concept of homework still relevant at all?
The students think I won’t notice!
Many teachers have found that students are increasingly using AI tools like ChatGPT to do their homework. This often leads to concerns about the authenticity and actual learning effect. Is it still sensible to assign traditional homework if it can be done with just a few clicks?
What if students want to use ChatGPT?
Instead of seeing AI as a threat, it could be seen as an opportunity. ChatGPT can help students better understand complex topics and receive individual support. The key lies in how this technology is integrated.
This could be the homework of tomorrow:
Teachers design homework so that students can use ChatGPT meaningfully and learn how to handle future artificial intelligence from the beginning.
Reflective use of ChatGPT
Teachers could assign tasks where students have to document and reflect on their interactions with ChatGPT. For example: “Use ChatGPT to research topic X and summarize what you have learned. What questions did you ask and why?”
Project-based tasks
Instead of simple questions, teachers could assign project-based tasks where ChatGPT is used as a research tool. For instance, students could write an essay using various sources, including ChatGPT.
Students use ChatGPT to build a flyable kite. Everyone has the same task. The first question everyone asks ChatGPT is: “Explain how to build a flyable kite for under 100 Swiss Francs as quickly as possible.” With the help of AI, they create plans, follow instructions, and evaluate ChatGPT’s suggestions. In an exciting presentation round, each group presents their kite, the procedure, and their assessment of the instructions. They then compare their approaches, chat logs, and the prompts used. This way, students not only learn practical skills but also the critical use of artificial intelligence.
Critical thinking
Teachers assign tasks that require critical thinking and analysis. For example: “Have ChatGPT write an essay on the topic of artificial intelligence and then analyze the quality of the arguments and information.”
Discussion rounds
Students could be asked to discuss and critically question the information received from ChatGPT in class. This places the focus on the critical handling of information.
Advantages for teachers and students
By integrating ChatGPT into the learning process, teachers can ensure that students not only copy answers but actually understand what they are learning. At the same time, students develop important skills in dealing with artificial intelligence and critical information evaluation—skills that are invaluable in the modern world and are becoming increasingly valuable.